Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lesson Learned with Good Citations

As you may know, I am cleaning up my Sources and Citations. Moving the "Free Form" Source information into the Template Feature, and the prompts when entering data into the Citation Detail Screen.

When you have a screen full of Citations, in from a specific Source, some times patterns don't show up when working on a specific Source.

I was just cleaning up the 1850 Census for Baltimore County, Maryland. Had gathered these Census Records over time, but failed to notice a specific pattern. When I finished the 3rd entry for this Source (1850, Maryland, Baltimore County) I saw something that I hadn't seen before.

Three Citations, each from District 1, on page 374-A, but look at the Dwelling and Family Numbers. The folks are on the SAME Page, and were neighbors. When I had looked at these census records the first time, I guess I didn't look at the full page, or to use the F.A.N. (Friends, Acquaintance, and Neighbor) method of research. But, I may not have known about that "back then".

Lesson learned: A properly written Citation, may help with your research. Had I done proper Citations earlier, I might have seen this connection earlier. I wonder how many more I will find.

This was an "unknown" feature, for me, of Family Tree Maker.


 Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington


  1. I always look at neighbors in case they are the in-laws . Broke through many cases that way (-:

  2. Magda,

    I do too, now. Those records, I haven't looked at for years, a couple at least, and may or my not looked at the Census using the F.A.N. way of searching.

    Great Suggestion.

    Thank you,



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